Monday, October 31, 2005

37 weeks

we made it- jett august is now considered 'full term' - and despite the doc's concerns of him being 'too small' - i'm convinced this child has more strength than i ever thought about having. i know if he came tonite he would be just fine. for 9 months i have witnessed his relentless pursuit of life, growth and all that goes with the miracle of pregnancy. i haven't 'met' him yet but i know he will be an example of courage to his mom.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

this shadow will remain

friday after work, j & i went to the canyon. it was so beautiful. the air was crisp & the sun was warm - somehow god allowed the two to co-exist. we hiked & explored - and talked about how jett would be with us in only a few weeks. wow - it is almost time. and we can't wait to take him to the canyon with us. i wonder if this boy will love the outdoors as much as his dad. i have this feeling they will be 'out' and about often. :)

my belly continues to grow - and he is moving around much better these days. hopefully the ingenious methods we have been trying (see for detailed descriptions & a good laugh) have worked their magic & he is head down once again. i am starting to think about the stages of labor more & more. i have tried to be open-minded & drop any expectations i have. my ultimate goal is to get jett here safe & sound, healthy. if that means another incision, then so be it. i have learned during these past 8 months to 'let go' of this body. it is merely a vessel - and housing for the biggest miracle i have yet to witness. i am in awe - i'm pregnant - with 5 weeks to go. my mind will not forget these moments . . . this shadow will remain in my memory forever.