today i give thanks for a tiny heart that beats without fault.
i give thanks for two bright eyes that take in a whole new world.
i give thanks for lungs that fill & release air in perfect time.
i give thanks for 10 tiny toes & 10 tiny fingers. (he has his dad's gorgeous hands)
i give thanks for a mouth that longs to feed on milk i can provide.
i give thanks for strong bones & muscles. (he gets these from dad too)
i give thanks for his perfectly crafted body, healthy & complete.
i give thanks for his working organs, that they function on demand.
i give thanks that he was created in god's image, and given to us to love.
i give thanks to be chosen to be his mom.
i give thanks for his dad - the love of my life.
i give thanks for my husband, our families, and now this precious boy-