i have been a 'photographer' for a while now. i happen to think i'm one of the best. but, you won't find my work in a studio - or on the front page of a newspaper. you won't even see it in a photo album in my home. the pictures i'm most proud of are taken with my mind - and stored away in my heart. i've collected these 'shots' for years. when i'm alone on a run, or mindlessly folding clothes, i thumb through these 'albums'. this is what i see-
a bright yellow school bus in the distance on a long dirt road, a blue 'precious moments' sachel with my book order completed, & a 'care bears' metal lunch box - the long ago days of kindergarten :)
a strawberry shortcake purse with a long red strap & a brand new beautiful niecey ( & wondering why my sister couldn't leave her hospital bed) to celebrate my 6th birthday
my dad's wet eyes at my granddad's funeral - & again the day my grandmother died -
a white spray plane landing on that same long dirt road - my brother walking toward the house -
a yellow (much faster) airplane turning into the sunrise & lining up for another pass through the corn field -
my first 3-point shot as a starter in the kenneth cleveland gymnasium -
my mom, dad & sister driving off - leaving me 900 miles away from home at college -
my dad stepping out of my uncle's airplane to pick me up at san marcos- man was i glad to see him - :)
the runway numbers as i turned 'final' on my first solo flight -
the finish line banner blowing in the wind at oklahoma city -
my niecey sitting on the front porch of fannin waiting to get snow cones -
my husband's face in the warm sun as he said his vows & held my hands on the beach at st. john -
j holding jett minutes after he came into this world- jett seeing his dad for the first time -
my sister looking away from my son with tears in her eyes to tell me 'he's perfect' -
looking into jett's eyes after his surgery and seeing a boy with amazing strength-
and my latest - just today - jett taking a break from feeding to softly smile and whisper 'ah gu' -
the 'pages' of my albums are worn, no doubt, i look at them often. and the contents are more precious than words.
i pray i never lose my memory of certain days gone by - & i pray i get to take them with me when i go.