Saturday, December 30, 2006

he's walking!

or better said- running.

the boy 'took off' the day after christmas & hasn't slowed down since. and so far we've avoided any major crashes - but i'm sure they will hunt us down sooner than later.

happy new year everyone!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

a year-

i hestitate to say . . .
the boy has slept THROUGH the night for a total of 4 nights!!!

oh goodness - life is good.
and it only took a little over a year. 365+ days of sleeping no more than 4-5 hours at one time. but now, down by 7:30 & sleeps until 8. did i mention it's only been a year?

he has also weaned himself from breastfeeding (could be little sibling taking up all the nutrients) and he has taken himself off pureed baby food. and all this time i thought we were in charge. :) he has adapted to an unbelievable schedule - taking two 1.5 hour naps each day. how sweet it is. and it only took a year.

and now - here we are are. pregnant again. as if i thought i had the whole motherhood thing down pat -

what the hell are we thinking?

please tell me the second one sleeps through the night by 3 months, changes his own diaper and orders from the 'kid menu' from the get-go.

it's overwhelming. i wonder if i'm 'equiped'. and as hard is it is to accept the facts - i pray for this baby. healthy, full-term. and i pray for my baby that is here now. may i have the time, energy and love for two. may i be 'enough.'

and the worst part - i remember labor. i mean i remember.

it's only been a year.