Tuesday, October 30, 2007


ok- 2 posts in one night. is something wrong here? :)
maybe i'm just gearing up for this 'national blog post month' contest i entered- blog everyday of november & earn a chance at the drawing for cash. (cash = diapers) :)

so here's my warm-up:
tonight after bath, i told jett to pick out a bedtime book from the basket. after i convinced him that we could still read 'goodnight moon' (his favorite) + another book, he came back with 'noah's ark.' since we have been talking about god, i thought it was a good choice. as we read the book, i tried to explain that noah is god's friend & that god loves noah. and god loves jett. and god loves kai. and god loves mommy & daddy. . . so on & so forth.
i could see where this was going. :)
'gaw-dad (his version of god - rhymes with crawdad) loves ocks.' yes- god loves the rocks.
'gaw-dad loves ocks in pond.' yes - god loves the rocks in the pond.
'gaw-dad loves fish in pond.' yes- in fact, god made the fish in the pond.
'gaw-dad loves big fish in pond make BIG splash.' and just like jett, he loves the big fish in the pond to make a big splash.

i don't so much have designated, kneel by the bedside, formal 'prayer-time' - that never really worked with me. however, i like to think that the above conversation counts as a shout out to the heavens.

and i happen to think it made him smile.

and if you're still listening - 'thank you gaw-dad, for the greatest blessings of a lifetime. i love these boys with all of my being. amen'

moments of clarity

life is hectic these days, to say the least. sometimes i wonder if my calling in life is to change diapers. truth be told - it can be overwhelming. and oh so demanding. time to myself is unheard of - my husband & i barely get to have a complete conversation in between the chaos of kids. it's non-stop. good, hard & everything in between. sometimes it (being this thing we call life) gets so crazy it just doesn't make sense.

and sometimes it does.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

live & learn

children learn what they live-
by dorothy law nolte

if children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
if children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
if children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
if children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.

if children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
if children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
if children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
if children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
if children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
if children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
if children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves & in those around them.
if children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Monday, July 30, 2007

now i'm a believer-

when i found out i was pregnant for the second time & my son was only 11 months old, i had the hardest of times. doubts started consuming my mind-
how could i handle 2 'babies' under 2 years old?
what will jett think of me holding someone else?
how can i possibly make it through labor a second time?
and most of all, how can i love another one like i love the first?

and then i saw his face.

and now i'm a believer-
my dad was right (once again) - 'your love doesn't divide, it multiplies. . . the second you lay eyes on him, your heart will grow.'
and oh how true it is. i love my first-born with my whole intense heart. and now- i love my second with my whole intense heart. and i can't imagine my life without this new being that has come into my life.

kai everest - one beautiful boy. one sweet blessing.
i love you baby kai.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

bring it on-

hello blog world - long time, no speak.
since my last post . . .
the blogger world has changed, evidently wants to be referred to as 'now blogger' these days & apparently the damn thing saves all your drafts automatically whether you ask it to or not.
the home front has changed, from texas to colorado, 6000 boxes, 4 trailers, 500 miles and 15 gallons of paint later.
the body has changed, 108 months pregnant, big belly & unmistakable waddle - unable to see my toes, much less cut or paint my toenails.
the mind has changed, as i learn the 'new' blog rules, as i embrace our new home state & love every second of being here, as i am about to give birth to our second son and once again surrender my heart, mind & body to a tiny miracle of life.

change is good- that's what i've 'heard'. change is hard as hell- that's what i've experienced. and usually i go kicking & screaming . . . but not this time. this time i say 'bring it on!'

bring it on- i face these changes with a most eager spirit. i love the 'now blogger' & the fact that it thinks my every word is worth saving; i love the new place we call 'home' and realize that my 'home' is whereever my husband is; i love the fact that this 'huge-mongus' (as my nephew from seattle would call it) belly is providing food & shelter to the new love in my life; and i love that my mind is so consumed with my toddler's daily activities that i haven't had a complete thought in over 2 years. and i love that in a few weeks my world will be turned upside down once again with the demanding needs of a newborn babe.
