hello blog world - long time, no speak.
since my last post . . .
the blogger world has changed, evidently wants to be referred to as 'now blogger' these days & apparently the damn thing saves all your drafts automatically whether you ask it to or not.
the home front has changed, from texas to colorado, 6000 boxes, 4 trailers, 500 miles and 15 gallons of paint later.
the body has changed, 108 months pregnant, big belly & unmistakable waddle - unable to see my toes, much less cut or paint my toenails.
the mind has changed, as i learn the 'new' blog rules, as i embrace our new home state & love every second of being here, as i am about to give birth to our second son and once again surrender my heart, mind & body to a tiny miracle of life.
change is good- that's what i've 'heard'. change is hard as hell- that's what i've experienced. and usually i go kicking & screaming . . . but not this time. this time i say 'bring it on!'
bring it on- i face these changes with a most eager spirit. i love the 'now blogger' & the fact that it thinks my every word is worth saving; i love the new place we call 'home' and realize that my 'home' is whereever my husband is; i love the fact that this 'huge-mongus' (as my nephew from seattle would call it) belly is providing food & shelter to the new love in my life; and i love that my mind is so consumed with my toddler's daily activities that i haven't had a complete thought in over 2 years. and i love that in a few weeks my world will be turned upside down once again with the demanding needs of a newborn babe.