Monday, July 30, 2007

now i'm a believer-

when i found out i was pregnant for the second time & my son was only 11 months old, i had the hardest of times. doubts started consuming my mind-
how could i handle 2 'babies' under 2 years old?
what will jett think of me holding someone else?
how can i possibly make it through labor a second time?
and most of all, how can i love another one like i love the first?

and then i saw his face.

and now i'm a believer-
my dad was right (once again) - 'your love doesn't divide, it multiplies. . . the second you lay eyes on him, your heart will grow.'
and oh how true it is. i love my first-born with my whole intense heart. and now- i love my second with my whole intense heart. and i can't imagine my life without this new being that has come into my life.

kai everest - one beautiful boy. one sweet blessing.
i love you baby kai.