and me- well, i think i've got this 'motherhood' thing down. (that is if you overlook a few things.)
some days i don't get a shower until 2pm-
some days i just don't shower. (call first before you visit.) :)
some days i find the cereal box in the fridge & the milk in the cabinet.
some days the dishes stay in the sink all day long.
some days I put dryer sheets in the wash.
some days i don't get to the laundry at all.
some days my shirt is 'crunchy' from 'runaway' milk & my hair is matted with spit-up.
some days jett is 'crunchy' from 'runaway' milk & his hair is matted with spit-up.
some days i find dirty silverware in the drawer.
most days i just eat with my fingers.
some days i get a nap-
some days i just watch jett while he sleeps.
some days all i accomplish is locating the remote in time for gilmore girls and breastfeeding.
some days i just hold the boy.
some days i wonder if it will ever get any easier-
some days i wonder if i'm cut out to be a 'mom'.
some day i'll look back at these trying moments & miss this precious time in my life . . .
and wish i could do it all again.