Sunday, July 09, 2006

we did it!

3 clif bars, 2 bags of clif 'shots', 2 peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, 6 bandaids for 2 hellish blisters, 2 camelbacks full of h2o, 3 deer, 8 hours of hiking/ climbing, 12 hours away from the boy . . .

and we did it. wheeler peak. 13,161 ft. - the highest peak in new mexico.
crazy beautiful. i'm officially addicted.

and the reunion - how sweet it was.


Rohini said...

I know just what you mean about the reunion. I was away for two days. I missed my son like mad and was so happy to see him again.

How did you get so think so fast??? At 7 months after the baby, I still looked about 5 months pregnant!

Also, can you tell me where in the HTML to place the baby ticker. I just cannot figure it out.

NieNie and Goose said...

and no bears!?!?!??!!? congratulations!!! you're a stud!

Brian Swiatowy said...

Congratulations on one incredible accomplishment! If you two can do that, then there's nothing you can't do! :-)

Jena Kay said...

You two are so amazing. I love you both.

Rohini said...

I figured it out!